Article name On the Solution of Thermo-Physical System of Linear First Order Differential Equations with Constant Coefficients
Authors Batukhtin A.G. Candidate of Engineering,
Batukhtina I.Y. Candidate of Physics and Mathematics,
Bibliographic description
Section Scientific Research
UDK 517.9
Article type
Annotation Thermo-physical system of linear first order differential equations with constant coefficients is considered. It was obtained by the solution as a finite sum of exponential functions with coefficients that are determined by the recurrence relations. The resulting solution can be used in solving a certain class engineering and economic problems (thermal, transport, information).
Key words linear differential equations of the first order, recurrence relations, problem of thermo-physics.
Article information
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Full articleOn the Solution of Thermo-Physical System of Linear First Order Differential Equations with Constant Coefficients