Article |
Article name |
Determination of Wear and Compilaiton of Wear Maps in Tribological Test of Aluminum-Matrix Composites |
Authors |
Bykov P.A. Researcher, pavel_imet@mail.ruKalashnikov I.Y. Candidate of Engineering, kalash2605@mail.ruBolotova L.K. Research Assistant, l.bolotova@mal.ruKobeleva L.I. Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher, likob@mail.ruKolmakov A.G. Doctor of Technical Sciences, |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
Scientific Research |
621.89:669.018.715 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The article presents the results of tests of dispersion reinforced aluminum matrix composites under dry sliding friction. There was determined the wear rate of the samples of different compositions in depending on the load and sliding velocity. There were compiled the wear maps determining the mechanisms of wear during the test.
Key words |
composite materials, ceramic particles, inter-metallic phases, dry sliding friction, wear intensity, wear maps. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Determination of Wear and Compilaiton of Wear Maps in Tribological Test of Aluminum-Matrix Composites |