Article name Experimental Determination of the Static and Optical Relaxation Times in Bismuth Telluride and Antimony
Authors Stepanov N.P. Doctor of Physics and Mathematics,
Stepanova L.E. ,
Losovskaya A.S. postgraduate of the department chemistry,
Bibliographic description
Section Scientific Research
UDK 537.226.1: 537.311.322
Article type
Annotation On the basis of researches of electrical conductivity and plasma reflection of crystal of Bi\\.bSbQ.z,Tez the regularities of temperature reaction of static and optical times of relaxation in the range from 85 to 300 К were received. It was found, that temperature dependence of static time of relaxation in the range of 85-150 К corresponds to dispersion degenerate, and in the range of 200 300 К nondegenerate carriers of charge on acoustic fluctuations of lattice. The divergence of values of static and optical times of relaxation correlating with rapprochement of energy of plasmons and transitions of carriers between nonequivalent extremum of valence zone is revealed.
Key words static and optical time of a relaxation, conductivity, plasma resonance, interzonal transitions, electron-plazmon interaction.
Article information
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Full articleExperimental Determination of the Static and Optical Relaxation Times in Bismuth Telluride and Antimony