Article name Investigation of Fe — 26Cr — 16Co Powder Alloys Magnetic Hysteresis Properties Depending on Sintering and Thermal Treatment Conditions
Authors Ustyukhin A.S. Research Engineer,
Vompe T.A. Postgraduate Student, Researcher,
Milyaeiv I. . Doctor of Engineering Science, Leading Researcher,
Zelenskiy V.A. Candidate of Physics and Mathematics, Leading Researcher,,
Bibliographic description
Section Scientific Research
UDK 621.762:669.1
Article type
Annotation In present work the hard magnetic Fe — Cr — Co alloys were obtained by powder metallurgy method. Molybdenum, tungsten were used as alloying additives. It was discovered that vacuum sintering provides to obtain specimens with relative density about 98 % and alloying of molybdenum contributes to obtain a better compaction. Magnetic hysteresis properties of the Fe—26 % Cr—16 % Co—2 % Mo—2 % W alloys almost not change depending on cooling rate in the magnetic field during thermal treatment, except specimens obtained by sintering at 1420 arcC. The reduction of magnetic hysteresis properties and differences depending on thermal treatment conditions have been observed on these specimens compared to other sintering modes. This is due to the emergence of chemical composition in homogeneity caused by chromium evaporation during sintering.
Key words powder metallurgy, hard magnetic Fe — Cr — Co alloys, sintering, magnetic hysteresis properties, thermal treatment.
Article information
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Full articleInvestigation of Fe — 26Cr — 16Co Powder Alloys Magnetic Hysteresis Properties Depending on Sintering and Thermal Treatment Conditions