Article name The Influence of the Great Patriotic War’s Image on the Actualization of Contemporary Social Problems of Veterans of Transbaikal State University
Authors Zhukov A.V. Doctor of Philosophy, Professor,
Zhukova A. . Candidate of Philosophy, Researcher,
Bibliographic description
UDK 316.6
Article type
Annotation This article is devoted to the analyses of perception of contemporary social problems by the veterans of the Transbaikal State University. As shown by the results of the study, the actualization of many problems is influenced by a significant impact of the Victory’s image in the Great Patriotic War and the image of the postwar era, when the veterans made great efforts for the development of society and received worthy attitude toward them in response. The degree of novelty of this study is determined by the fact that the functional load of the Victory’s image in the Great Patriotic War in the process of perception of contemporary social problems by the veterans was analyzed for the first time. In connection with the Victory veterans’ life was subsequently defined as life of people who had brought prosperity at the cost of their efforts, sufferings and blood to their fellow citizens and their descendants. The results of the survey show that the image of contemporary reality in veterans’ perception discords with the expected image of the society which had won the Great Patriotic War. Besides, the ideas that the contemporary society doesn’t need veterans and sees no pedagogical potential, which could play a significant role in promoting a sense of patriotism in the modern generation, are formed in the veterans’ perception. At the same time the Transbaikal State University possesses a considerable potential of pedagogic and educational history as well as traditions of high school, which are not fully realized today, and it benefits neither the development of the university or the region.
Key words veterans of Transbaikal State University, home front workers, “children of war”, image of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, social crisis, promoting of patriotism.
Article information
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Full articleThe Influence of the Great Patriotic War’s Image on the Actualization of Contemporary Social Problems of Veterans of Transbaikal State University