Article name The Reality and Individual in Contemporary Political Philosophy
Authors Shevchenko A.A. Doctor of Philosophy,
Bibliographic description
UDK 303.01
Article type
Annotation The paper examines two important methodological concepts of contemporary political philosophy: political realism and methodological individualism. The focus son the points of divergence of political realism as a philosophical doctrine with popular views of political liberals on thought experiment, hypothetical consensus and subordination of the political to abstract legal and moral norms. The author concludes that the demand for realism in politics doesn’t free it from morality and law but raises new problems related to the mechanism of generating politically based moral and legal requirements. The author also considers the role of the individual political subject in contemporary political philosophy. He shows the possibilities and limitations of methodological individualism as an explanatory framework and as a thesis about the priority of individual rights. The paper offers a critical analysis about the crisis of subjectivity and formulates the key conditions for the formation of political subjectivity such as the capacity for collective action and adoption of the position of collective rationality. The article also offers the grounds for distinguishing between moral and political subjectivity, provided that politics is understood as a public good.
Key words political, political realism, political subject, moral subject, methodological individualism, obligations, public good, collective action.
Article information
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