Article name Buddhism in M. Voloshin’s Life and Work: «My First Religious Grade»
Authors Bernyukevich T.V. Doctor of Philosophy, Senior Reseacher,
Bibliographic description
UDK 130.2
Article type
Annotation The article deals with particularities of reception of Buddhist conceptions in works of Silver Age poet M. Voloshin. Reflection of conceptions of Buddhist philosophy in Voloshin’s lyrics was considered in the context of analysis of Buddhism place in European and Russian culture at the beginning of XX century, factors of Buddhist ideas dissemination and interest to Buddhist at that time among which were named the following: influence of Eastern philosophy on forma tion of a new creative paradigm and a new movements in the art, dependency on geopolitical interests towards the East and Tibet including influence of Buddhist studies, joining the culture of “Buddhist regions” to the cultural space of Russia. The article focuses a close attention on M. Voloshin’s biographical facts related to his acquaintance with the Buddhist culture namely his participation in intelligentsia circle keen on esoteric doctrines, his meetings with one of the Buddhist leaders in Tibet and Russia Agvan Dorzhiev. The analysis of research literature about Voloshin’s work, his diaries and epistolary legacy, poet’s works is a foundation for attempt to reveal peculiarities of influence of these personal contacts and relationships on outlook and genesis of poet’s creative conception. On the whole the author draws a conclusion on necessity to face an issue of reception of Buddhist ideas in Russian literature in connection with a role of literature in reception of other cultures ideas and in the context of researches of genesis of Russian culture peculiarities.
Key words receptions of Buddhist ideas, M.Voloshin’s works, Eastern philosophy, Tibetan Buddhism, Buddhist culture, Russian culture, philosophy of culture.
Article information
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Full articleBuddhism in M. Voloshin’s Life and Work: «My First Religious Grade»