Article name Socio-Psychological Support of the Teacher in Service Training System
Authors Vinogradova N.I. Doctor of Psychology, Professor,
Bibliographic description
UDK 378
Article type
Annotation The article explains the relevance of continuous social and psychological support of the teacher in-service training system. Social and psychological support of the teacher is considered as an individualized system of measures to encourage the accumulation fund adequate ideas and actions about the desired result of formation of professionalism and ensure the safety of the components of its occupational health (including the condition of the body, the mind, the professional environment and labor achievements). Revealed that substantial characteristics of formation of professionalism manifested in the components of the value and meaning of self-determination of the teacher about the significance of self-education process in the life of the student and the importance of its occupational health in a holistic perspective of life fulfillment. The authors concluded that the social and psychological support of the teacher in-service training system is a process of conciliation specialist training courses and the teachers themselves on how to regulate activity-procedural, personal and professional, and are individual-typological components of professionalism. Leading criterion for evaluating the quality of their development are indicators of cognitive performance and self-development of students of professional health teacher. The authors have established guidelines intensification of socio-psychological support of the teacher in-service training system. These include factors, conditions, methods, technologies that provide co-organizing activity-procedural, personal and professional, and are individual-typological components of professionalism in its productive authoring activities (ASD). The efficiency of the teacher training courses to provide adequate implemented technologies and organizational procedures refresher courses to different levels of productivity of teachers, as well as age-related stages of their professional career.
Key words social and psychological support of teachers, substantial characteristics of formation of professionalism, methods of regulation of activity-procedural, personal and professional, and are individual-typological components of professionalism, productive authoring system activity of the teacher.
Article information
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