Article name The System of Higher Education’s Development in the Russian Federation From 1990 to 2015: a Look From the Region
Authors Zamoshnikova N.N. Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description
UDK 378
Article type
Annotation The processes taking place in the Russian higher education for the last twenty five years are considered in the article. On the basis of the analysis of statistical data and researches the key trends which led the higher education to its devaluation, change of structure and the content are considered and analyzed. Proceeding from the main tendencies of system of higher education’ changes, three periods in development of the higher education are allocated. The first period is an adaptation of the higher education system to the conditions of developing market economy. This period was characterized by education commercialization, increase number of state universities and opening the commercial universities. Due to commercialization of education there the opportunity to obtain diplomas of the higher education, which led to devaluation of diplomas and the higher education. The second period is characterized by a change of the institutionalization’s character of higher education, which is characterized by the formation of a specific environment in which the administrative, teaching staff and students are allocated. In many cases, the sides concluded a tacit agreement on the uninvolved side in the educational process, a kind of “Italian strike”. There was an imitation of the higher education’s modernization practically from all subjects of educational process. The third period is characterized by intensify of the Ministry of Education to reform education, action for decrease in risks of “an educational bubble” by reducing the universities, branches through a number of monitorings. Thus connection between indicators, used for monitoring, and efficiency was relative, the decisions taken on the monitoring results were quite tough. The current period of The system of higher education’s development is marked by a significant increase of bureaucracy in universities, decrease of the academic freedoms’ value.
Key words education, higher education, system of higher education, monitoring, devaluation of education.
Article information
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Full articleThe System of Higher Education’s Development in the Russian Federation From 1990 to 2015: a Look From the Region