Article name Social Escort of Disabled People in Zabaikalsky Krai
Authors Beygulenko O.V. Candidate of Pedagogy,
Ardashova Y.I. Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description
UDK 316
Article type
Annotation In article the problem of social escort of disabled people is reflected in Zabaikalsky Krai. Concepts disability, children’s disability which allowed to open the main problems of disabled people and families in which there is a disabled person are studied. The main areas of work with children disabled people are considered. The number of disabled people, disabled children in Zabaikalsky Krai is analysed, the main problems are revealed. Classification of models of disability is given: medical and social. The role of the specialist in social work in social escort of disabled people is defined. The content of concept “social maintenance” is opened, the structure of the program of social maintenance is considered. The organization of activity of an escort service of the disabled people and families which are bringing up disabled children and children with limited opportunities of health is analysed. The role of service of social maintenance and its purpose in work with disabled people is considered, the main areas of work are revealed. The concept “social rehabilitation”, its features for disabled people is defined. The characteristic of technologies of social escort of disabled people which can be used in work of social escort of disabled people as services is given: technology of remote escort of disabled people, disabled children and their families “remote rehabilitation”, the “organization of the psychology and pedagogical help to the families raising children with limited opportunities of health and to disabled children in the conditions of a lekoteka” technology, technology of a social family support by means of providing service in care of the disabled child at short-term absence of parents “the nurse for an hour”, the “house vizitirovaniye” technology.
Key words disabled person, ivalidnost, children’s disability, social maintenance, lekoteka.
Article information
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Full articleSocial Escort of Disabled People in Zabaikalsky Krai