Article name Teaching in the Higher Educational Institution and Professional Orientation of Students (Results of Sociological Research)
Authors Kasyanova E.I. Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description
UDK 378
Article type
Annotation The article proves the actuality of sociological research of the professional orientation of students, analyses the organization of the educational process in the institute and its impact on the motives of the profession choice. Students’ professional orientation is a positive factor of training in the railway institute. Prospects of students’ employment intentions are determined primarily by the motivation of their professional choice. In this regard, the authors come to the conclusion that it is necessary to emphasize in the educational process of the Zabaikalsky railway transport institute on a deeper acquaintance with the future profession, efficient organization of students’ practices. The majority of respondents connect their future with the railway, want to find a job according to the chosen profession. It is found the relation between the motivation of the profession choice and employment intentions; the chosen profession is evaluated not only with material items, but also social status. A priority value for students is the family. Education was in the fourth place. Constant attention should be paid to the problem of improving the quality of teaching, organization of students’ individual work. In the course of sociological research has confirmed the hypothesis that professional orientation and choice of the Zabaikalsky railway transport institute to study the students associate with the concepts of prestige and pragmatic solution of future employment; students mainly have high self-appraisal and show a desire to occupy respectable social status. Based on the obtained data of the sociological survey of students, the authors prove the importance of monitoring value-motivational orientations, professional expectations, purposes of receiving some form of education as it contributes to the improvement of managing the educational process.
Key words professional orientations, motives of profession choice, the educational process, sociological research, survey, quality of education, questioning, hypothesis of sociological research.
Article information
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Full articleTeaching in the Higher Educational Institution and Professional Orientation of Students (Results of Sociological Research)