Article |
Article name |
Regional Aspects of Inclusive Education (the Case of Amur Oblast) |
Authors |
Denisova R.R. Doctor of Pedagogy, Associate Professor, |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
Met hodology of Pedagogy |
378(571.61) |
Article type |
Annotation |
The article considers the issues of development of inclusive education in Amur oblast. The analysis of the experience of correctional process in special education system from the territory development to nowadays has been carried out. The article describes from the historical point of view the pedagogical experience of education of children with abnormalities in Amur oblast. The dynamics of special education institutions formation and its connection with the progress in health care and social service have been discussed. Local laws that provide stable and quality functioning and development of regional inclusive education system have been presented. Problems of the general and secondary inclusive education have been characterized; possibilities of the successful realization of inclusive education for different categories of children (including distant education for children with disabilities) by the supplementary educational institutions have been indicated. Difficulties in preparation of teachers – speech pathologists have been marked. The perspective development of the system of inclusive education in Amur oblast has been indicated. Thus, we present the experience of transition to inclusive education, constructing a model of inclusive educational environment in the conditions of different educational institutions on the example of Amur oblast.
Key words |
inclusive education, special education, distance education, education |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Regional Aspects of Inclusive Education (the Case of Amur Oblast) |