Article name Valuable and Target Bases of a Metasubject Component of the Maintenance of Primary General Education
Authors Khramtsova N.V. Dean of Pre-School and Pimary General Education Faculty,
Bibliographic description
Section Theoretical Issues of Pedagogy
UDK 372.4
Article type
Annotation In this, article valuable and target basics of development of primary school for the last decades are covered and analyzed for judgment of a metasubject component of the maintenance of primary general education. The axiological aspect allowed us to consider development of the purposes of the modern primary general education through the concept of ‘values’. According to the values of modern society declared today, the strategic objective of education is development of person’s identity that has found reflection in regulations and concepts and is recorded in normative documents such as the Federal state standard of primary general education and the law “On Education in the Russian Federation”. The analysis of the documents concerning modernization of education in general and primary general education in particular allowed us to see the dynamics in development of valuable and target reference points at primary school and to draw a conclusion that the purpose of primary general education has been accurately formulated for the past twenty years, it is based on transition from assimilation of knowledge to mastering the key competences that are called universal educational actions in the new standard. Thus, the axiological basics of modern education covered in the article are becoming the priority ones while introducing and implementing the Federal state educational standard of primary general education. They have found confirmation in target reference points of primary school, and respectively in the content of education, in emphasizing a metasubject component.
Key words values, purposes of primary general education, development of the personality, normative documents, metasubject component of the content.
Article information
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Full articleValuable and Target Bases of a Metasubject Component of the Maintenance of Primary General Education