Article name Professional Language Training Issues of Specialists in International Relations
Authors Gusevskaya N.U. ,
Bibliographic description
UDK 378.096
Article type
Annotation Interest in internationalization of higher education has been growing. It can be explained by different reasons. Firstly, the development of international cooperation, globalization of the economy and labour markets have pushed demand in internationally competent workers with good foreign language ability, social and intercultural skills. As world economies are becoming increasingly inter-connected, multilingualism and intercultural skills have grown in importance on a global scale. Secondly, an export of educational services has become one of the sources of revenue for higher education institutions and national economies in many countries. Advantages of internationalization of higher education are apparent: improvement in quality of training, joint research projects, implementation of international quality standards and enlargement of international cooperation. More and more higher education institutions in Russia are becoming independent and strategic actors in the process of internationalization. The article is devoted to professional training of specialists in international relations. It deals with the influence that regionalization has on higher education. The paper emphasizes some strategies that have been developed by universities to respond to the changes connected directly with globalization. Those measures that are relevant to Russian universities are in the limelight of the article. The paper also deals with the leading role of foreign languages in the professional training of specialists in international relations; it defines the term “specialist in international relations”. The author analyzes professional language training of specialists in international relations in Russia, the USA, and China. The article stresses the importance of intensive professional language training. The paper deals with the specificity of foreign region studies and the teaching of foreign languages for the students of this field of expertise.
Key words international relations, international contacts, interpreter, professional communication, professional training.
Article information
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Full articleProfessional Language Training Issues of Specialists in International Relations