Article name Psychological Readiness for Innovative Activity: Experimental Study of Youth’s Innovativeness in Russia’s Small Cities
Authors Lezhneva N.V. Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor,
Bibliographic description
UDK 159.9
Article type
Annotation The necessity of studying the issues related to the youth’s innovative activity in a small city is substantiated; the essence of the concept ‘psychological readiness for innovative activity’ is revealed, it is considered (in the context of youth in small cities) as a subject’s activity on the creation and realization of innovations to achieve the positive results, and this activity is a measure of success, in the interaction with the socio-economic conditions of a small city in a certain period of development. The structure of the specialist’s personality able to the innovative activity implementation within a small city is described while there are some common qualities (motivation of self-realization and success achieving, creativity, developed logical and critical thinking; reflexivity, conscious self-regulation activities) and specific ones, typical for the innovators of a small town: ethno-cultural tolerance, the province characteristics and traditions knowing; developed leadership; communicative and information competence; high internality; emotional stability, reasonable self-esteem). The analysis of testing results of school pupils and students living in small cities is undertaken; it was carried out according to the technique by N. M. Lebedeva and A. N. Tatarko; the differences in the level of innovativeness defined with gender and age factors are investigated.
Key words innovations, innovative activity, psychological readiness for innovative activity, youth of small cities.
Article information
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Full articlePsychological Readiness for Innovative Activity: Experimental Study of Youth’s Innovativeness in Russia’s Small Cities