Article |
Article name |
Creation and Development of Modern Infrastructure of General Education as a Basic Requirement for Improving the Quality of Education in the First Decade of the Twenty-First Century |
Authors |
Zabelina T.V. Managing Director, |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
School Pedagogy |
373 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The article deals with the issues of education efficiency improvement based on the models of modern school education infrastructure, contents and sequence of work related to the improvement of the municipal education quality management system.
All components of the contemporary education infrastructure were analyzed in detail as follows: material resources, methodological and systematical components. The interconnection and interdependence of the efficient education process and the extent to which an institutional unit of the education is developed are reflected upon. This is particularly important in the context of the forthcoming implementation of the new national academic standards, which pose new requirements to the educational environment. The experience of the Karymsky District in the field of financial organization and administration mechanisms is summed up.
The research examines and analyzes the role of public participation, available conditions, and resources. The main problems arising with the creation of the modern infrastructure at the municipal level were outlined. The article emphasizes the connection between the efficiency improvement of the municipal education quality management system and the following procedures, which are implemented in its framework: informational and methodological support of educational activities and its statutory regulations, reflective methods of quality control, division of rights, powers and responsibilities among managing organizational structures, analysis of educational needs, resource management.
Technologisation of education is presented as a perspective way to develop school’s potential, representing the interests of parties of educational process, and also fulfilling the requirements of the modern society and government, which facilitated the analysis of the municipal education system components, and the creation and development of the modern infrastructure as a means to raise the education quality in the first decade of the 21st century.
Key words |
ways, improvement, development, efficiency, educational function, modeling, municipal system of quality management of education, quality management, modern infrastructure, management of resources. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Creation and Development of Modern Infrastructure of General Education as a Basic Requirement for Improving the Quality of Education in the First Decade of the Twenty-First Century |