Article |
Article name |
Time Competence and Time Perspective of University Students, Future Social Workers |
Authors |
Lesnyanskaya Z.A. Candidate of Psychology, Associate Professor, |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
37.015.3 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The article deals with the problem of professional consciousness development of a future social worker, the relevance of time competence and time perspective of a future social worker.
The article discusses different approaches to the definition of “time competence”, its ratio with the concept of “time perspective”. The article analyzes the approach to the definition of time competence as a component of academic competence of the student. Academic competence is considered as a stage of professional competence. It describes the relationship of time perspective and professional self-development of the personality, the relationship of time competence and full self-realization of the personality in the profession, the relationship of time perspective and psychological well-being of the personality. It argues the need of psychological support of professional formation of students – future social workers during their training at the university.
The article presents the results of the empirical study to determine the features of time perspective and time competence of the first-year and final year students specializing in social work, the comparative analysis of the results.
It is revealed that the time prospect and time competence of the first-year and final year students specializing in social work are different. The article argues the need and timeliness of time prospect and temporary competence development in the period of study at the University, which is effective for further professional and life fulfillment.
Key words |
time competence, time perspective, professional identity, professional self-determination, professional self-development. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Time Competence and Time Perspective of University Students, Future Social Workers |