Article name On the Problem of Diagnosis of Occupation Commitment
Authors Kalashnikov A.I. Postgraduate Student,
Bibliographic description
UDK 159.9.072:331.54
Article type
Annotation The article raises the problem of studying and diagnosis of professional commitment, the existing psychological questionnaires for diagnosis are more focused on studying organizational commitment rather than occupation commitment. In this connection, organizational commitment phenomenon is considered; the content and specificity of existing foreign models of organizational commitment are described: the model of commitment developed by L. Potter and colleagues, the model of commitment developed by J. H. Meyer and Allen, the model of commitment developed by Y. Wang. The article also reveals the psychological questionnaires that are developed on the basis of the models listed above. Potter’s model of organizational commitment was developed in the organizational commitment questionnaire (OCQ), and three-component model of John. H. Meyer and Allen – in the organizational commitment scale (OCS). Meyer and Allen’s three-component model of organizational commitment was described in the context of occupation commitment; the authors disclosed the contents of the selected components: affective occupation commitment, continuous occupation commitment, normative occupation commitment. The article reveals usage of the occupation commitment scale developed by J. Bagraim, and includes its translation. The article states that the available Russian methods of studying the commitment are limited by two options – the scale of employee’s loyal attitude to organization (L. G. Pochebut, O. E. Korolev) and methods of measuring loyalty (S. S. Baranskaia).
Key words occupation commitment, professional commitment, professional loyalty, diagnostics of commitment.
Article information
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Full articleOn the Problem of Diagnosis of Occupation Commitment