Article name Preparing of Future Teachers to Application of Modern Technical Training Aids in Educational Process of Modern School
Authors Desnenko M.A. Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description
Section Theory and Methods of Professional Pedagogical Education
UDK 37.09
Article type
Annotation The article reveals the problem of preparing future teachers to apply modern technical training aids in educational process of modern school. It is proved that this preparation may be realized in the course “Modern technical training aids” introduced into the variable part of curricula for students of different specialties (training direction 44.03.01 Teacher education, the profiles are “Historical education”, “Primary education”, “Pre-school education”, “Music education “ and others). The content and structure of the course “Modern technical training aids” are described in detail. The course includes some sections: Section 1. Audiovisual information. Section 2. Audiovisual culture. Section 3. Technical aids and audiovisual technologies. Section 4. Audiovisual technologies of training. The aim of the course “Modern technical training aids” is to ensure the conscious mastery of knowledge of technical and audiovisual aids and technologies of their application by students as future teachers. The opportunities of teaching students the technology of creating the educational video segment, which is performed by future teachers as an educational project on the example of studying the section “Audiovisual technologies” are shown. The article describes the features of assessment of students’ knowledge, skills and competencies of the theoretical and practical components of the course “Modern technical training aids” in preparing of future teachers to the application of modern technical training aids in educational process of modern school. The author proves the feasibility of assessment of students’ knowledge, skills and competences by a) the theoretical component of the course based oncomputerized testing, b) the practical component of the course based on the analysis of students’ educational projects, assignments, practice-oriented tasks. The article presents a model list of topics for the implementation of training projects and practice-oriented tasks by future teachers.
Key words modern technical training aids, preparing of future teachers.
Article information
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Full articlePreparing of Future Teachers to Application of Modern Technical Training Aids in Educational Process of Modern School