Article name Gamification as a Means of Preparing Students of Pedagogical College for Solving Professional Problems
Authors Pakhomova T.E. Candidate of Pedagogy, Teacher, masskva_te@mail.ri
Bibliographic description
Section Theory and Methods of Professional Pedagogical Education
UDK 377
Article type
Annotation The technology of gamification as a means of preparing students of pedagogical college for solving professional problems is considered in the article. The basic aspects of gamification such as dynamics, mechanics, aesthetics, and social interaction are shown. The features of gamification in education are described, they increase the motivation of students, encourage the assimilation of educational material,involve students in the learning process, and stimulate them for further training and development. The article describes three areas of students’ behavior in the game, which are influenced by gamification: cognitive, emotional, social. The advantages and possible negative consequences of gamification are disclosed. A table of some Internet services to implement gamification in education is given. The application of gamification as a means of preparing students of pedagogical college as future teachers for solving professional problems is justified. We consider the on-line role-playing game Classcraft, which provides prizes, promotions, and penalties for lack of good job in class: “health points”, “experience points”, “action points”, “power points”. This article contains the case of using gamification as a means of preparing students of Chita Pedagogical College for solving professional problems in the learning process. The stages of preparing students for application of Classcraft in the classes of the interdisciplinary course “Theory and methods of teaching computer science in elementary school”, within the framework of the subject “Fundamentals of information theory”, are described. The article presents the results of a survey of students concerning the application of gamification in the classroom, namely: increasing the motivation to study a theoretical module; presence of elements of competition in the class; formation of a system of thought; training analysis of specific case studies; preparation for solving life and professional problems, etc.
Key words gamification, educational process, the Internet service.
Article information
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Full articleGamification as a Means of Preparing Students of Pedagogical College for Solving Professional Problems