Article |
Article name |
Priority Directions in Modernization of Teachers’ Refresher Training System in the Buryat Republic |
Authors |
Vaganova V.I. Doctor of Pedagogy, Associate professor, |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
378.14 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The article is devoted to the problems of continuous professional teachers’ education and the
ways of their solution within the framework of refresher training system.The article provides an analysis
of the problem areas that need to be transferred in terms of growth and development. Modernization
of the refresher training system is available as a mobile response to the educational needs of the
teacher. Determination of educational needs and their correlation with the educational activities of
the institutions implementing training programs makes it possible to assess the effectiveness of
educational programs, their relevance to modern requirements, the demand and the ability to set the
vector of development of society and the state. Priority directions include development mechanism of
accumulation and credit system, realization of distance education forms, approbation of personified
financing model, generation of a network interaction of educational institutions, organization of
probations. Modular ‒ funded training system is a mechanism to convert the professional development
of teachers in the mode of continuity. Implementation of this system allows us to construct an
individual “trajectory” of training at any level of qualification. Individual educational “trajectory” lines
up within the nonlinear schedules based on individual educational programs subject to the impact
of their development. Creating a distributed system of professional development, consolidation of
efforts of training institutions and internship sites based on innovative schools and their resource
potential will transfer part of the learning processes from the institutions of refresher training to the
specialist’s workplace.
interaction, distance education. |
Key words |
refresher training, accumulation and credit system, personified financing, network
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Priority Directions in Modernization of Teachers’ Refresher Training System in the Buryat Republic |