Article name Management Solutions to Improve the Quality of Higher Education Programs in Terms of Interaction between the Areas of Education and Labor
Authors Dugarova D.T. Doctor of Pedagogy, professor,
Starostina S.E. Doctor of Pedagogy,
Bibliographic description
UDK 378-021.465
Article type
Annotation Analyzing the trends in the development of ideas and practices of quality assurance in higher education, three groups of characteristics of education quality can be named: the quality of conditions, i. e. the quality of the potential to achieve the objectives of education, the quality of the process of formation of student professionalism, and the quality of professional education. This article presents some issues to improve the quality of educational programs in terms of interaction between the areas of labor and education, where each educational program must meet the needs of society and lead to the graduate employment. The quality of student learning outcomes is guaranteed by the formation of student professionalism in terms of the right choice to achieving the objectives, the consistency and coherence of certain goals. The design and implementation of educational programs in such conditions differs from the traditional approach of developing ones. The real problem of interaction between the areas of education and labor in the learning process of students at the university involves understanding and consideration of the conclusions about the need to implement actions (management solutions) directly or indirectly related to achieving the goals of the organization and its members. The search for such solutions requires special studies to improve the quality of the design and implementation of educational programs. Management solutions acting as a process and as an act of choice, as a result of the choice, and as a command information to improve the quality of the educational programs of the University require constant efforts to develop the structure and the content of educational programs of the university. The improvement of the quality of higher education programs depends on the management solutions of purposeful processing of information into command information of university management.
Key words management solutions, higher education program, interaction between the areas of education and labor, quality of educational programs.
Article information
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Full articleManagement Solutions to Improve the Quality of Higher Education Programs in Terms of Interaction between the Areas of Education and Labor