Article name Management of Educational Innovations and Their Emergency Consequences
Authors Purysheva N.S. Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor,
Gurina R.V. Doctor of Pedagogy, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description
UDK 373.6.370.1
Article type
Annotation The article analyzes the unanticipated and unintended consequences of educational innovations and reforms in the education system of Russia in recent years. The authors consider innovation, i. e. an active introduction of electronic media (electronic gadgets, smart phones) as a means of training instead of notebooks and books to the educational process, especially to the elementary grades. The article discusses the questions concerning the consequences of this innovation: how will this innovation affect the child’s health and his vision in particular? How will the child’s cognitive processes, thought, and perception of the world change? Do doctors recommend the “harmless dose” of child’s work with a computer? Have there been any clinical trials and comparison of the information read in the reflected light from the sheet of paper and an on-screen emitter of energy in terms of influence on a person’s vision? The article focuses on innovation concerning “association, consolidation, merger” of school subjects and educational institutions. The unreasonable risks of introducing this innovation into a senior school are analyzed using specific cases. For example, the union of Algebra and Geometry in one subject called Mathematics causes irreparable damage to the development of spatial perception and imagination, the logic and discursive formation of students’ thinking. The problem of destruction of astronomical knowledge, which is caused by the elimination of astronomy as a separate academic discipline is shown. This article contains the results of the students’ survey concerning the verification of simple astronomical knowledge. The article substantiates the conclusion that the education reform should be carried out taking into account the achievements of the psychological-pedagogical science and educational practice by specialists who have professional experience in teaching.
Key words management innovations, knowledge, understanding, merging of subjects, thinking.
Article information
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Full articleManagement of Educational Innovations and Their Emergency Consequences