Article |
Article name |
Qualification Assessment in Vocational Education: Competence and Activity-Based Approach |
Authors |
Tayurskaya N.P. Postgraduate Student, |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
377:37.091.27 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The problem of assessing the graduate qualification is actualized in this article. The goals of
vocational education are specified aimed at lifetime learning, the distinctive feature of the Federal
State Educational Standard is emphasized, i. e .the focus on learning outcomes, the basic units of
which are the competences. It is marked that the competence and activity-based approach being
the methodological base of the Federal State Educational Standard requires a new system of
assessment means. The system of the principles and stages of qualification assessment is reviewed.
The article presents a system of diagnostic tools to evaluate the level of formation of foreign language
communicative competence of students. The formation of foreign language competence and the
assessment of its formation will be most effective through activity-based approach due to the fact
that verbal communication is carried out by means of speech activity. To assess the formation of
structural components of competence, the content of each component is revealed according to which
the forms and methods of assessment are defined. The web-quest and Open Space technologies are
briefly described. The article presents the example of the educational web-quest creation to assess
the level of formation of foreign language communicative competence of students. To enhance the
interaction between employers and educational institutions, it is advisable to borrow the professional
environment tools for competence assessment.
Key words |
qualification, competence and activity-based approach, foreign language
communicative competence, web-quest, Open-Space technology. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Qualification Assessment in Vocational Education: Competence and Activity-Based Approach |