Article name Orthography Teaching System at the Lessons of Russian in the 8th-9th Forms
Authors Ostanina Y.O. External Doctoral Candidate,
Bibliographic description
Section Theory and Methodology of Teaching Languages
UDK 372.881.161.1
Article type
Annotation The article is dedicated to the problem of development of orthographic competence and its control in the 8th-9th forms. The author emphasizes that orthographic competence of the 8th and 9th year students is very low. It is caused by the specifics of the educational program for the 8th and 9th forms, which does not provide special hours for teaching orthography, so the system of developing orthographic skills is spontaneous and not systematized. In author’s opinion, the teacher must take into account his students’ orthographic mistakes and identify their causes while planning the orthographic work. During the process of checking the orthographic topics, the teacher should rely on psychological and methodological backgrounds. They are the needful context in the work system he uses. The article states that integrated and interactive formation of grammar, orthographic and speech skills through the methodological system of development of orthographic competence of the 8th and 9th year students taking into account the communicative aspect will guarantee the development of some speech competences needed for school-leavers such as communicative, linguistic and culturological ones, which are the fundamentals of secondary school linguistic education. The theoretical analysis is proved by the author’s empirical studies conducted at educational institutions of Rostov oblast.
Key words orthography, orthographic mistakes, communicative skills, developmental exercises.
Article information
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Full articleOrthography Teaching System at the Lessons of Russian in the 8th-9th Forms