Article |
Article name |
Formation of Readiness For Implementation of Research Activity of Future Physics Teachers |
Authors |
Desnenko S.I. Doctor of Pedagogy, professor, Proklova V.Y. Candidate of Pedagogy, Associate Professor,, |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
378 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The article reveals the problem of special training of future physics teachers for implementation of
research activity in physics education. The conditions to be met by this training are given. The nature
and characteristics of the research function, which can be implemented in the students’ research
activities, are described in detail. The authors also prove that development of research activity of
the future teachers of physics may occur through the formation of research skills of the generalized
nature (methodological, subject, methodological, reflexive and evaluative), their structure and content
are considered. The variant of special training of future physics teachers for the implementation of
research activity in physics education at the theoretical stage within the framework of the disciplines
“Basics of research in physics education” (Bachelor course), “Methodology and methods of scientific
research” (Master course) is given.The article presents the possibilities of further development of
research activities of students as future teachers of physics at the practical stage in the period of
practical training in school (Bachelor course), research and educational practical training at school
(Master course), when writing term papers, final qualifying works (Bachelor course), master theses
(Master course). The complex of teaching and research tasks is characterized as a special way that
promotes the mastery of research skills for general information by students. This complex of teaching
and research tasks is supposed to be formed in accordance with generalized skills, the formation
of which it is directed on. The article presents the content of teaching, research tasks of various
kinds (tactical, operational, and elementary), and types (by the nature of the functions ‒ gnostic,
design, structural, integral; by terms of complexity ‒ basic, enhanced, advanced).The paper provides
concrete examples of teaching and research tasks of different kinds and types.
Key words |
research activities, future teacher of physics, teaching and research tasks, research
skills. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Formation of Readiness For Implementation of Research Activity of Future Physics Teachers |