Article name Problems of Making Physics Lesson of a New Type
Authors Djakova E.A. Doctor of Pedagogy, professor,
Bibliographic description
UDK 37.016:53
Article type
Annotation The article considers the peculiarities of the lesson in accordance with the requirements of the Federal state educational standard and a synergistic approach to education. The proximity of competence and synergetic approaches within the ideology of the standard is shown. The author discusses the properties of the didactic process and its components (in particular of the lesson) as a self-organizing system, the essence of its attractors, bifurcation points, the order parameters. The main attention is paid to the problems of modern development of the lesson: the need for a new typology, new patterns, and new ways of implementation. The proposed typology is based on fundamental activities including complex, projective, research, creative, and gaming ones. Based on the structure of the lesson of O. N. Krylova, I. V. Mushtavinskaya (motivation and active goal setting, goals, assessment in achieveming the goals), it is shown how its components are implemented as non-linear, open, and easily relocatable. The author gives basic recommendations on how to build the stages of the lesson where the main form of work is the independent student activity. The paper shows how to implement a bifurcation point in the lesson, ensuring the realization of its attractor set goals based on the analysis of the textbook material and detection of semantic nodes. Basic principles of design of lesson scenario are formulated. Specific examples of tasks for each phase of the lesson in physics are given.
Key words modern lesson, types of a lesson, synergetic approach, development of lesson scenario.
Article information
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Full articleProblems of Making Physics Lesson of a New Type