Article |
Article name |
How to Create the Readiness of Future Engineer to Innovative Activities in Teaching Physics |
Authors |
Larionov V.V. Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor, larvv@sibmail.comMaksimova N.G. Postgraduate Students, |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
53:372.8 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The problem of realization of pedagogical conditions for readiness of future engineer for
implementation of innovative ideas, able to predict development of technical systems based on
studying the fundamental discipline in technical college is considered. The result of the study study
based on the traditional body of knowledge, skills and competencies has to be the readiness of
the graduate to develop long-term scientific and technological products in his future professional
activities. It refers to the ability to search for advanced training of scientific and technical ideas at
the level of subject knowledge on the example of physics. Skills include the correlation of physical
effects and their use in the past, present and possible future use in the conditions of use of modern
technologies, including computer technologies. Possession experience involves the formation of
ideas of perspective and priority directions of technology development and technology-based training
correlation with physical phenomena. Readiness of graduate shave maintenance project activity
in the introduction of scientific and technical ideas, the organization of the production process of
translation ideas in product and management of this process by the project activity. Readiness is
defined in the form of the design of training activities in the collective study group by transferring the
standard tasks in the project, including the forecasting of the technical system. Under the technical
system, we understand the specific implementation of educational tasks for the new conditions, such
as the application of IT-technologies. It is required to teach entrepreneurial ideas of the technical
content based on physics. Theoretical models, scientific concepts, the leading ideas of physics
and technical disciplines form the basis of willingness to develop innovative thinking in the form of
innovative creativity and foresight.
Key words |
innovation thinking, motivation of students, commitment to future innovative
activities, project learning. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | How to Create the Readiness of Future Engineer to Innovative Activities in Teaching Physics |