Article |
Article name |
Types of Elementary Schools of the Ministry of National Education in the XIXth – XXth Centuries (the Case of Eastern Siberia) |
Authors |
Mamkina I.N. Candidate of History, Associate Professor, |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
373.3 |
Article type |
Annotation |
Educational reforms, as any other ones, aim at finding the most acceptable ways of development,
which satisfy the interests of society and state. History of Russian education has a rich historical
experience, the use of which will permit to create more effective education system, which meets
national interests. In this work, based on the archival and published sources, the author investigates the types of elementary educational institutions of imperial Russia. The main tasks of the work are
to identify and characterize the types of elementary schools and their spread in Eastern Siberia.
Using archival materials and normative legal acts, the author considers the process of primary
education development, legislative registration and legal regulation of various elementary school
types throughout the XIXth century. The article describes the types of parish and primary schools
and gives their characteristic; it covers the history of district schools and presents the advantages
of training there. The author considers city and high elementary schools as the most perspective
types of educational institutions in pre-revolutionary Russia. Having analyzed the studied materials,
the author concludes that the archaic types of elementary school remained at the end of the XIXth
century. It is noted that the formation of complete, successive system of elementary educational
institutions in Eastern Siberia began in the second decade of the XXth century.
Key words |
Eastern Siberia, the History of Education, types of schools, educational institutions,
district schools, primary schools, parish schools. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Types of Elementary Schools of the Ministry of National Education in the XIXth – XXth Centuries (the Case of Eastern Siberia) |