Annotation |
Differentiation is a necessary condition for the development of school education. In the article,
on the basis of the analysis of regulatory documents and historical and pedagogical literature it is
shown that the processes of differentiation in school education of the Russian Empire of the XIXth
century proceeded at three levels: inter-institutional, intra-institutional, educational process in its
content, methodological, organizational components. Thus, three-level localization of differentiation
took place. It has remained since that time.
The processes of differentiation ensured: creation of a network of educational institutions;
structural organization of educational institutions; establishment of the content of education at every
level of school education, its division into classical and real, compulsory and variable; bringing the
educational process in accordance with the age and individual needs of pupils.
The specific ways of realization of differentiation on a particular base were determined by sociopolitical
situation at one or another moment of historical development and the views of the supreme
power. The system of educational institutions of different types and departmental subordination is
a result of the processes of differentiation. This system permitted to satisfy educational needs of a
significant number of the population of the country. Differentiation acted together with integration that strengthened succession between schools.
Each newly created type of school integrated into the existing system that gave a chance to their
graduates to move on the educational ladder in accordance with their social status.
Key words |
aims of education, processes of differentiation, levels of proceeding of the processes
of differentiation, results of the processes of differentiation, primary education, secondary education,
social estates in education. |
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