Article name GIS-Analysis of Rare Vascular Plants Distribution on the Territory of Buryatia
Authors Sandanov D.V. Candidate of Biology,
Bibliographic description
Section Botany
UDK 502.75:581.9 + 528.9
Article type
Annotation The GIS-database for rare vascular plants distribution on the territory of Buryatia has been elaborated. It includes information on 1217 localities of 157 rare vascular plants. Each species has different attributes including category, belt zone distribution, horology and ecological group features. Implementing of such attributes with other data helps to visualize distribution features of rare vascular plants in the groups selected by retrieval requests. Database is functioning in ArcView GIS 3.2 and ArcGIS 9.3. For this programs, different special layers necessary for analysis of rare vascular plants distribution were prepared. The database was elaborated for Buryatia for the first time and contains the most actual information from the last edition of Red Data Book for that territory. Preliminary analysis has revealed the main tasks for conservation of rare vascular plants of Buryatia, which include increasing the number of protected areas or enlarging the territory of existing protected areas in regard with the distribution of rare species. Future studies on rare plants’ distribution can be a good base for conservation activities and can be useful in organizing new protected areas or Important Plant Areas.
Key words plant species distribution, rare species, endemic, rare plant conservation.
Article information
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