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The article summarizes the experience of ecological tourism development in foreign countries in places where cranes gather in agricultural landscapes during non-breeding seasons. One of the most important aspects of this international experience is the necessity for science-based integrated management for such tourist and agricultural sites. This creates advantages both for cranes and farmers, local economy and tourists without any damage to agricultural production. Improperly organized and uncontrolled tourism could harm birds and farmers, as well as not fully satisfy the interests of tourists. Examples of specialized tourism, both positive and negative experiences, the main problems that are related, on the one hand, with the increase in crane numbers and the damage caused by them to agricultural fields, and on the other hand, the increase in tourist numbers which can disturb cranes are presented and analyzed. Accumulated experience is relevant in ecological tourism development in countries where it is at an early stage, including Russia. The following conditions exist for tourism development in Russia: the growing popularity of eco-tourism, a special attitude towards the crane, interest in cranes and their habitats and conservation thanks to environmental education activities of Crane Working Group of Eurasia and Russian Bird Conservation Union. Moreover, changes in agricultural practices create problems between farmers and cranes and require adequate management of sites with crane congregations.
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