Article name Effect of Lactate-Acidosis on the State of the Hemostatic System in Different Parts of the Vascular Bed in the Experiments in Vivo
Authors Alfonsova Y.V. Candidate of Science (Medicine),
Bibliographic description
UDK 611.73
Article type
Annotation The article is devoted to the investigation of effect of different concentrations of lactic acid on the performance of hemocoagulation and vascular-platelet hemostasis. The experiments were performed on 27 adult dogs of both sexes. Tiopentalom under anesthesia produced a selection of the femoral artery and vein, splenic artery, portal vein, and also provided access to the heart, the aorta, the pulmonary artery. In experiments in vivo, we have investigated the condition of hemostasis system in norm and shifts in the blood pH to the acid side. This reached various shifts in blood pH from 7.44 to 6.9, and the length of 15–180 minutes. Lactic acid in vivo experiments has a biphasic effect on blood coagulation, depending on the pH. At the pH 7.2, hypercoagulation and partial consumption of fibrinogen and factors of blood coagulation are observed. The pH shift up to 7.1–7.0 is accompanied by coagulopathy of consumption, significant decrease in a level fibrinogen and sharp increase in fibrin degradation products. In the process of acidosis development in blood vessel tract, as a result of decrease in ζ-potential of blood components, there appear units of platelets and erythrocytes, which at non-compensated lactate-acidosis are replaced by blood clots and infringement of the microcirculation. At the pH 6.9 and 6.8, blood in the majority of experiments does not coagulate, in connection with developing afibrinogenemia.
Key words lactate, acidosis, pH, hemostasis, zeta potential of platelets, fibrinolysis.
Article information
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