Article |
Article name |
Stress Protective Action of a Siberian Larch Wood Extract on Erosive Changes in Stomach Mucous Membrane in Experiment |
Authors |
Pateyuk A.V. Doctor of Medicine, Professor, ispsmed@mail.ruObydenko V.I. Candidate of Medicine, Associate Professor, ispsmed@mail.ruKokhan S.T. Candidate of Medicine, Associate Professor, ispsmed@mail.ruBaranchugova L.M. Candidate of Medicine, Associate Professor, ispsmed@mail.ruTsogtsaikhan Sandag .. Doctor of Medicine, Professor, |
Bibliographic description |
Section |
615.322 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The research presents an experiment on the effect of water extract of Siberian larch Ekstrapinus sawdust which is woodworking waste on prevention and treatment of ulcers in stomach mucous membrane caused by stresses. The experiments were made on 45 one-year-old outbred rats weighing 200–220 grams which were divided into 3 groups. All animals were subject to an immobilized stress within 5 days. The animals of the 1st and the 2nd groups were given Ekstrapinus extract in a dose of 5 ml 3 times a day orally. The 1st group received water extract of the Siberian larch since the first day, 2 groups since the 3rd day after the beginning of experiment. The 3rd group of animals received water instead of Ekstrapinus in the same quantity. Use of Ekstrapinus extract prevented from the development of stress ulcers in animals of the 1st group, and also promoted their faster healing in the 2nd group. In our opinion, the antiulcer effect can be explained by existence of a complex of the peptides in water extract of the Siberian larch sawdust inhibiting the activity of a sympathetic division of vegetative nervous system during the development of stress reaction, and also having the stimulating influence on processes of regeneration in mucous membrane of stomach. Moreover, it is possible to take into account the influence of a complex of microelements in the extract, which could also participate in adaptation processes of an organism.
Key words |
Ekstrapinus, extract of a Siberian larch, stress, regeneration, stomach. |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Stress Protective Action of a Siberian Larch Wood Extract on Erosive Changes in Stomach Mucous Membrane in Experiment |