Article name Nonlinear Thinking and Its Demonstration in the Professional Teacher’s Work
Authors Davidenko A.A. Teacher-Psychologist of the Highest Qualification Category, Methodologist,
Bibliographic description Davidenko l. A. Nonlinear Thinking and Its Demonstration in the Professional Teacher’s Work // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Pedagogy. Psychology. 2016. Vol. 11, No. 2. PP. 25–31. DOI: 10.21209/2308-8788-2016-11-2-25-31.
UDK 37.015.324
DOI 10.21209/2308-8788-2016-11-2-25-31.
Article type
Annotation The article presents the results of theoretical and practical research of the characteristics of nonlinear thinking, its demonstration in professional teacher’s work. The way of the development of the concept of “nonlinear thinking” was described, the analysis of the historical background of its emergence and subsequent clearance in the direction of the synergetic methodology was made. As a result of theoretical research of the semantic field of thinking, the definition of nonlinear teacher’s thinking was proposed. Based on the analysis of the different approaches, the conditions of occurrence, general features and characteristics of nonlinear thinking were detailed in the article. The article presents the results of empirical studies aimed to confirm the author’s hypothesis about the effectiveness of teachers with non-linear type of thinking. According to the author, these teachers are the most successful and competitive in today’s society, when the teacher has to solve problems with undefined contents in a situation of constant changes in education. The analysis of diagnostic data shows that the teachers with the primary focus on non-linear thinking are characterized with more pronounced indicators of creativity, creative potential, with the focus on self-development, self-efficacy and less focus on disciplinary model of interaction. These results are supported by the findings of the survey of students who indicate that adolescents perceive teachers’ data opened to interaction to support creative judgments, able to act in situations with uncertain content in the classroom.
Key words education, nonlinear thinking, pedagogical activity, synergy, reflection, tolerance for uncertainty
Article information
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Full articleNonlinear Thinking and Its Demonstration in the Professional Teacher’s Work