Article name Empirical Research Design as Realization of its Methodological Approaches (in the Context of Psychological Adaptation of Population in Environmentally Neglected Areas)
Authors Sukhanov A.A. Candidate of Psychology, associate professor,,
Mysnikova E.A. graduate student,
Bibliographic description Sukhanov A. A., Mysnikova E. A. Empirical Research Design as Realization of its Methodological Approaches (in the Context of Psychological Adaptation of Population in Environmentally Neglected Areas) // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Pedagogy. Psychology. 2016. Vol. 11, No. 2. PP. 130–134.
Section General and Social Psychology
UDK 159.9
Article type
Annotation Conducted by the Laboratory of Regional Studies of Psychic at Transbaikal State University, the research relies upon the principle of consistency and implements V. I. Panov’s eco-psychological approach to psychic development. The article describes the research design of the study devoted to the psychological adaptation of the young people inhabiting environmentally neglected areas. The need to use population-oriented analysis of the data required a special design of the survey sample: we have studied the indicators of the psychological adaptation of the almost completely healthy students in the upper forms of comprehensive schools, college and university students born in and permanently inhabiting the studied regions. Taking into account ranging of the areas owing to some natural (“pollution”, physical environment of the area) and social (social status) factors we have analyzed and supervised the empirical data collection by comparing it to the indicators of the psychological adaptation of the research subjects living in similar or different conditions of the inhabitable environment. In the empirical part of the study we have applied both survey and test methods. In order to research psycho-physiological level of adaptation we have used the method of instant diagnosis of performance efficiency and functional state (M. P. Morozov’s methodology) as well as the methods of diagnosing performance efficiency (E. Landolt’s test). As for psychological adaptation, we have conducted a personality structure diagnosis using MMPI personality questionnaire and we have applied S. Maddy’s test to define the level of socio-psychological adaptation. We have carried out multi-optional comparison of the split level indicators of the studied people inhabiting the environment with different characteristics. The results of the conducted research have proved the hypothesis that the indicators of all the levels of psychological adaptation tend to float to the lower bounds of the adaptive norm.
Key words psychological adaptation, young people, environmentally neglected areas, research design, population-oriented analysis
Article information
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Full articleEmpirical Research Design as Realization of its Methodological Approaches (in the Context of Psychological Adaptation of Population in Environmentally Neglected Areas)