Article name Correction of Psycho-emotional State of Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders by Means of Physical Culture and Canistherapy
Authors Zaborina L.G. Candidate of Psychology, Associate Professor,
Glazkova Y.V. Candidate of Psychology,,
Bibliographic description Zaborina L. G., Glazkova Yu. V. Correction of Psycho-emotional State of Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders by Means of Physical Culture and Canistherapy // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Pedagogy. Psychology. 2016. Vol. 11, No. 2. PP. 135–142.
UDK 373:159.9:615.826
Article type
Annotation The article describes the experience of individual correctional work by means of canistherapy and physical culture for preschool and school age children with autistic spectrum disorders on the basis of a non-profit organization. Autism spectrum disorder is socially significant. The term “early infantile autism” was used for a spectrum of disorders with similar symptoms until recently. ASD diagnostic criteria is presented in accordance with ICD-10. Non-profit organizations can provide psychological and pedagogical support for children with disabilities. A non-profit foundation “Psychologist” is one of such organizations, and it provides such support. “Psychologist” is a non-profit foundation for assistance to children and adolescents with developmental problems and citizens who find themselves in difficult situation. Assistance is provided by the foundation for preschool and school age children with ASD. Canistherapy is an efficient way of working with preschool age children with autism. Stages of therapy are described, as well as the types of exercises that are conducted with preschoolers. Adaptive physical culture is a vital part of rehabilitation of children with ASD and has proved to be a necessary tool in process of assistance. The structure of individual exercises for children with autism is described. It is also described how to apply the physical exercises on various stages of training.
Key words autistic spectrum disorder, early infantile autism, canistherapy, rehabilitation, physical culture, non-profit organization
Article information
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Full articleCorrection of Psycho-emotional State of Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders by Means of Physical Culture and Canistherapy