Article name Specificity of Sensory Flow Structure Perception by the Subjects with Different Health Groups
Authors Nikolaeva E.I. Doctor of Biology, Professor,
El’nikova O.E. Candidate of Psychology, Head of the Department of Psychophysiology and Educational Psychology, ,
Bibliographic description Nikolaeva E. I., El’nikova O. E. Specificity of Sensory Flow Structure Perception by the Subjects with Different Health Groups // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Pedagogy. Psychology. 2016. Vol. 11, No. 2. PP. 154–162.
UDK 159.937
Article type
Annotation The purpose of the research was to study the efficiency of sensory flow analysis, internality level and self-assessment of health by subjects of the third health groups: healthy people (first group, 15 people), the people who first experienced the symptoms of a serious illness (group 2, 23 subjects) and subjects with diagnosis regarding serious chronic diseases (group 3, 30 people). The division of subjects into groups was based on medical records. The average age of the subjects is of 26,0 ± 11,1 years. The following methods were used: methods of assessment of quality of life (“SF-36 Health Status Survey”); the questionnaire SAN, symptomatic questionnaire SCL-90-R, coping behaviour questionnaire (Kryukova, 2001). Estimation of parameters of simple and complex sensorimotor reaction was carried out using the original program Rebos. The specific feature of the program was that in three series (training, simple and complex sensorimotor reactions) the flows of signals during the second half of the tasks repeated streams of signals in the first. The subjects were not informed about it, but in the process of work they could unconsciously, intuitively reflect the principle (“study”) that had an impact on the nature of the tasks in the second half. Quality, factor and regression analysis were conducted of the data using the program SPSS (21 version). The results of the research were: healthy subjects “are trained” faster and better perform other simple and complex sensorimotor reaction. However, they “guess” that the structure of the second part of the sensory stream only repeats the first in a training series. The subjects with no diagnosis made by a doctor, having survived these or other symptoms of chronic disease, have the highest level of anxiety and the lowest level of mood and self-rated health, most of them are not able “to predict” the structure of the flow sensor signal. The subjects with chronic diseases have the highest values of total internality and internality in the field of health, the highest scores of mood. They make more mistakes and omissions in all types of sensory-motor reactions. But most of these subjects in complex sensory-motor reaction were able to detect the repetition in the second part of the touch flow of the first part.
Key words internality, self-assessment of health, chronic disease, evaluation of the structure of the touch flow, simple and complex sensorimotor reaction
Article information
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