Article |
Article name |
Subjective Youth’s Well-Being (the Case of Freshmen and Graduates) |
Authors |
Kulik A.A. Candidate of Psychology, Associate Professor, anastasija81@yandex.ruAkimova A.A. Student, |
Bibliographic description |
Kulik A. A., Akimova A. A. Subjective Youth’s Well-Being (the Case of Freshmen and Graduates) // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Pedagogy. Psychology. 2016. Vol. 11, No. 2. PP. 170–177. |
Section |
Pedagogical Psychology |
159.923 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The results of research which purpose is studying of subjective wellbeing of youth are presented in the article (the case of first-year and final-year students). The short theoretical review shows how differently the authors defined subjective wellbeing, at the same time, it is possible to allocate as a general vector in researches an assessment and person’s relation to life which is characterized by experience of satisfaction, happiness, existence of positive affective experiences and lack of manifestations of negative effects, and also whenever possible, full self-realization of the personality. The logic of research assumed the realization of longitudinal strategy that was based on comparison of subjective wellbeing between selections of students of the first and final years during a semester. The authors convincingly prove that structural and substantial components of subjective wellbeing at students of the first and final years are various, in particular there are distinctions in parameters of cognitive and affective components of subjective wellbeing and their communication with psychological requirements. First-year students are inclined to experience the experiences of a negative range which are shown in decrease in the general background of mood in the middle of a semester. For them the following parameters are interconnected: expressiveness of satisfaction of need for an autonomy and satisfaction with life, and expressiveness of satisfaction of need for competence and affective component of subjective wellbeing. In turn, subjective wellbeing of students of final years is characterized by the following features: competence level practically doesn’t influence their subjective wellbeing. The interrelation between expressiveness of satisfaction of needs for an autonomy, communication with other people and an affective component of subjective wellbeing becomes more significant.
Key words |
subjective wellbeing, satisfaction with life, emotional and estimated relations, happiness psychology, students |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Subjective Youth’s Well-Being (the Case of Freshmen and Graduates) |