Article |
Article name |
Diagnosis of Child Abuse as the Initial Stage of Formation of Responsible Parenthood |
Authors |
Lotova I.P. Doctor of Psychology, Professor, |
Bibliographic description |
Lotova I. P. Diagnosis of Child Abuse as the Initial Stage of Formation of Responsible Parenthood // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Pedagogy. Psychology. 2016. Vol. 11, No. 2. PP. 178–185. |
Section |
Pedagogical Psychology |
364.6426 364.63 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The article shows that in society the family is traditionally seen as an organic living environment of the child, performing the function of shelter and protection. In a situation of family child abuse, there occurs a distortion of his views about role interactions in a family where ideally the parent is a protector and the child is protected. Any form of violence against children in the family leads to personality deformations and deep trauma for the rest of his life, it is therefore vital that timely intervention in a situation of domestic violence to suppress it in the terms for children exposed to violence, which begin to undergo irreversible changes in health and personal development. We clarified the distinction between medical and psychological examination of child victims of abuse, and in-depth diagnostics (examination) of the family. Regardless of the type of social institutions and the technologies of work with the case in immediate correction and rehabilitation work with the child, a multidisciplinary approach is the main one, according to the author. The author describes a meaningful step procedure and technological tools of in-depth evaluation (diagnosis) of the family and responsibilities of interprofessional teams in case management.
Key words |
family education, responsible parenthood, abuse, violence, deviations in behavior, physical and mental disorders of abused children |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Diagnosis of Child Abuse as the Initial Stage of Formation of Responsible Parenthood |