Article |
Article name |
Knowledge Management as a Basis for Ensuring the Quality of Life |
Authors |
Tomskikh M.S. Graduate Student, |
Bibliographic description |
Tomskikh M. S. Knowledge Management as a Basis for Ensuring the Quality of Life // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Philosophy. Cultural Studies. Sociology. Social Work. 2016. Vol. 11, No. 2. PP. 33–39. DOI: 10.21209/2308–877Х-2016-11-3-33-39. |
Section |
658.562(075.)8 |
10.21209/2308–877Х-2016-11-3-33-39 |
Article type |
Annotation |
In recent years, this concept has entered into scientific use as a “knowledge economy” and “economy based on knowledge.” Formation of new concepts captures, reflects the processes that occur in the life of society. In the transition from an industrial society to a post-industrial, knowledge becomes the driving force behind the development of society, which dominates the service sector. J. Fourastié gave a definition of post-industrial society as a “civilization of services”. All these processes have become the basis of a new branch of scientific knowledge – knowledge management. The term “knowledge management denoting the systematic creation, update and use of knowledge in order to maximize the efficiency of enterprises ...” was introduced by K. Wiig. Knowledge management in the social sphere is understood as a process of social services management presented to consumers. The need for knowledge management as a basis for ensuring the quality of life, due to the challenges of social and economic development of the country, the emergence of the knowledge economy and the new model of man – “a person who knows and knows how to”, which replaced the economic model, deepening socio-economic contradictions, the aggravation of environmental problems, the growth of income inequality, increasing the number of users of social services in the field of social services of decent quality of population. Achievement of decent quality of life is only possible through the use of innovative technologies based on knowledge and information. Currently, the practice of ensuring the quality of life is using different technologies (Priority national projects (“Health”, ограниче“
Education” and “Affordable and Comfortable Housing to Russian citizens”), the parent capital, the development of professional standards, the balanced scorecard, budgeting, oriented result, project management.
Key words |
quality of life, “economy of knowledge”, “knowledge management”, social services, quality of social services |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Knowledge Management as a Basis for Ensuring the Quality of Life |