Article |
Article name |
Language Contacts of China and Russia |
Authors |
Wang Kewen .. Candidate of Culturology, |
Bibliographic description |
Wang Kewen Language Contacts of China and Russia // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Philosophy. Cultural Studies. Sociology. Social Work. 2016. Vol. 11, No. 2. PP. 62–67. |
Section |
81 |
Article type |
Annotation |
Commercial relations, cultural exchange, wars and the conflicts stimulate communication between the different people and societies which inevitably causes language contacts. The contacts extending in the last decades and cooperation of Russia and China as strategic partners do actual research of language contacts of Russia and China. In the article, on the basis of generalization of views of the Chinese, Russian, western scientists, language contacts are defined as the various changes, the language phenomena of one of two or more languages (versions) caused by long communication in a mediocre, direct, oral or written form between those speaking these languages (versions). Four main phenomena can result from language contacts: language assimilation, language loan, language crossing, i. e. emergence of pidgin and Creole languages; emergence of bilingualism. From all features of the Russian-Chinese pidgin, in our opinion, its semantic features are of the greatest interest to cultural science. In the pidgin system, the Russian words under the influence of semantic system of Chinese change the value. It finds expression in narrowing of value of a lexeme, word widening, a transfer of meaning, change in a word meaning, acquisition the relatives of values. The Russian-Chinese pidgin has exerted impact not only on the Russian and Chinese languages, and also on the Russian and Chinese cultures.
Key words |
language, language contacts, Russian-Chinese pidgin |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Language Contacts of China and Russia |