Article |
Article name |
Orthodoxy as a Factor of Communication Between Chinese and Russian Cultures |
Authors |
Romanenko T. . Postgraduate Student, |
Bibliographic description |
Romanenko T. V. Orthodoxy as a Factor of Communication Between Chinese and Russian Cultures // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Philosophy. Cultural Studies. Sociology. Social Work. 2016. Vol. 11, No. 2. PP. 87–93. |
Section |
271.2 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The article dwells upon the role of the Russian Orthodox Church in the cultural communication between China and Russia. It presents the analysis of the main problems in the distribution of Orthodoxy in China, which require fast solution. It is established that the missionary activity of the Russian Orthodox Church leads to the expansion of international relations, which promote cultural interaction. The article considers the main directions of missionary activities of the Russian Orthodox Church in different periods of time and also some conditions that contributed to the revival of Orthodoxy not only in China and the Soviet Union. The author of the article considers the actions that are undertaken by representatives of the Russian Orthodox Church for the revival of Orthodoxy in China and ongoing retaliatory actions from the Chinese authorities. In addition, the article draws attention to the fact that the revival of Orthodoxy in China is due to the state policy pursued by the state. Despite the fact that many of the problems of representatives of both countries tend to be addressed jointly, however, these negotiations have been going on for several years, and the author of this article highlighted the main issues that need to be addressed. The conclusion drawn in the article is that Orthodoxy is becoming nation-wide and a part of the cultural tradition in China.
Key words |
Orthodoxy, China, cultural dialogue, the Orthodox church, distribution of Orthodoxy |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Orthodoxy as a Factor of Communication Between Chinese and Russian Cultures |