Article |
Article name |
The Influence of Social Myth-Making on the “German” Identity Revival in Transbaikal Region |
Authors |
Sokolov S.G. Candidate of Biology, senior researcher, |
Bibliographic description |
Sokolov A. Yu. The Influence of Social Myth-Making on the “German” Identity Revival in Transbaikal Region // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Philosophy. Cultural Studies. Sociology. Social Work. 2016. Vol. 11, No. 2. PP. 119–127. |
Section |
316.34 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The article is devoted to an attempt to analyze the processes of the German ethnic identity revival in Transbaikal region. The author notes that in the context of globalization, Trans-Baikal Germans refer to ethnicity as a form of life organization. The constructivist methodology allows the author to define the German ethnic identity as a mental construct that is influenced by social myth in Russia. According to the author, the leading value of modern Germans in Transbaikal region is to give super significant sense of belonging to a given ethnic group, whose members are united by a desire for finding of the motherland, being a special image in the framework of which the German ethnic identity is a resource for a successful self-realization. As the study proves, in a Trans-Baikal diaspora there are processes of constructing the “German” ethnic group, the value aspect of which is constantly shifting to the past, or to the future, acquiring the traits of a social or an ethnic myth. An important role in these processes is played by the efforts of the surrounding society, represented by myths of “imposed” identity that include extra images of the “Others”. On the other hand, an important role belongs to the myths associated with self-identity of groups producing the representation of its members about their “Own”. It is based on “intra-images” presented by a set of objectified characteristics aimed at the integration of the group. The result of the article is a statement proving that the concept of inter-subjective side of identity, suggesting that the final identity will be presented as a continuously flowing process of interaction and synthesis of these opposing each other myths about ethnic groups, is important to understand the transformation of Transbaikal “Germans”.
Key words |
ethnic identity, German identity, Transbaikal Germans, social myth-making, intra-images, extra images, inter-subjectivity |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | The Influence of Social Myth-Making on the “German” Identity Revival in Transbaikal Region |