Article |
Article name |
Expert Training as a Factor of Independent Assessment of Quality of Social Services |
Authors |
Dugarova D.T. Doctor of Pedagogy, Professor, dugarova_dc@mail.ruStarostina S.E. Doctor of Pedagogy, Cherepanova L.V. Doctor of Pedagogy, professor, |
Bibliographic description |
Dugarova D. Ts., Starostina S. E., Cherepanova L. V. Expert Training as a Factor of Independent Assessment of Quality of Social Services // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Philosophy. Cultural Studies. Sociology. Social Work. 2016. Vol. 11, No. 2. PP. 170–179. |
Section |
378:316 |
Article type |
Annotation |
The article is devoted to one of the urgent problems of modern higher education – training of experts in the conditions of globalization and regionalization requiring international harmonization of educational systems. The aim of the research is to reveal the peculiarities of functional experts’ activity in the independent assessment of the quality of social services. The research was conducted by using the methods of forecasting, analysis, monitoring and Foresight methods including the methods of expert estimation of identifying technological breakthroughs able to have an impact on the economy and society in the mid – and long-term outlook. The basis of the problem under consideration is formed by the authors’ understanding of expertise as a research the result of which are value judgments on the basis of established correspondences with definite criteria and indicators. The article describes the stages of the research and the results obtained. The peculiarities of experts’ activity in the education sphere was investigated at the first stage of the research that allowed the authors to prove that expert level of an individual is treated as a result of quantitative increase of knowledge and skills as well as the result of getting elite education in the conditions of extraordinary educational environment. The object of the research of the second stage was the requirements elicitation for the expert. Special attention is given to the main types of expert errors described in the scientific and methodological literature from the experience of international expert activities. The analysis of the normative base of the activity of experts of independent assessment of quality of social services, the analysis of the existing and promising forms of network interaction of experts and the development of the recommendations were carried out at the third stage of the research.
Key words |
expertise, certification of qualifications, requirements for expert, the activity of expert, expert errors, quality of social services |
Article information |
References |
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Full article | Expert Training as a Factor of Independent Assessment of Quality of Social Services |