Article name On the Question of Formation of Civil Identity and Tolerance of Modern Student Youth: Sociological Aspect
Authors Semyonova A.A. Candidate of Sociology,
Zarubin V.G. Doctor of Sociology, Professor,
Bibliographic description Reference to the article Semenova A. A., Zarubin V. G. On the Question of Formation of Civil Identity and Tolerance of Modern Student Youth: Sociological Aspect // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Philosophy. Cultural Studies. Sociology. Social Work. 2016. Vol. 11, No. 2. PP. 195–200.
UDK 316. 647.5
Article type
Annotation The article considers the categories of “tolerance”, “civic identity”. The authors disclose the sociological meaning of these notions and analyze the specific aspects of their formation among young Russian students. Forming the civic identity with due regard for tolerance field means that various spheres of the phenomena considered are activated during the process of self-identification of an individual. On the one hand, identity and tolerance oppose each other; they are based on different processes, but without tolerance it is impossible to solve problems related to co-existence of different groups as bearers of religions and cultures within the framework of contemporary society. It is the unity of identity and tolerance within the framework of young population that will permit to coordinate the ideas of social solidarity. The authors come to the following conclusions: the tolerance phenomenon has an inter-disciplinary nature; a multicultural environment is a sphere of interaction of multiple cultures, views, opinions and their mutual influence on each other: students’ tolerance means a civil ethical interaction between students and other participants of an educational, or extra-curricular process within the framework of the multicultural environment of a University; civic identity as a personalized consciousness of belonging to a state civil society, for an individual the significant meaning is contained in the words “each other”.
Key words students, young people, tolerance, trust, group identity, personality, multicultural environment, civic identity, inter-disciplinary approach
Article information
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