Article name The Development of Dual Education Systems in the Field of Vocational Education in China
Authors Liu Zhiyan .. Postgraduate Student, kira–
Bibliographic description Liu Zhiyan. The Development of Dual Education Systems in the Field of Vocational Education in China // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2016. Vol. 11, No. 6. PP. 74–79. (Series Vocational Education, Theory and Methods of Teaching).
UDK 378
Article type
Annotation The article focuses on issues of teacher’s training in vocational education in China. The problem of interaction between the labor market and Educational Service is considered and the author gives the analysis of the interaction in different countries and characteristics of dual education in vocational education in China. The article reveals the concept of “double profile teacher”, and the stages of formation and development of dual education in China. The development of teachers nowadays is becoming the main trend in improving the quality of vocational education. The scientific study of the problem of specialization of teachers is the basis of training of the teacher double profile. Existing problems of teacher’s training for vocational education lies in the fact that it is necessary to introduce an innovative mechanism of interaction of professional educational institutions with employers in order to change the traditional model of training. In some areas of China there is some positive experience in the use of dual education. But at the same time, there are still some problems to be solved for the further development of dual education. The development of dual education in the field of vocational education in China is carried out according to national circumstances and regional conditions of educational institutions in the provision of highly qualified teaching staff, mechanisms of interaction between educational institutions, professional communities and enterprises. Dual educational program is an experience that has already existed in many countries. But today’s project is different because the economy is different and unplanned, and enterprises that are interested in highly qualified personnel, voluntarily solve the problem of personnel filling and are ready to share responsibility for their training.
Key words dual education, vocational education, dual training model, the interaction of educational organizations and enterprises, modern apprenticeships
Article information
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