Article name Several Stages of Development and Implementation of Inter-Subject Teaching of the Russian Language
Authors Drozdova O.E. Candidate of Pedagogy, o.e.drozdova
Bibliographic description Drozdova O. E. Several Stages of Development and Implementation of Inter-Subject Teaching of the Russian Language // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2016. Vol. 11, No. 6. PP. 124–129. (Series Vocational Education, Theory and Methods of Teaching). DOI: 10.21209/2308-8796-2016-11-6-124-129.
UDK 373
DOI 10.21209/2308-8796-2016-11-6-124-129
Article type
Annotation The article defines a new direction in the methods of teaching Russian, that is inter-subject teaching system of the Russian language. Relevance of the proposed educational system is being proved by analyzing the regulations of the standards of modern general education. The concept of “lingua-didactic support of school discipline” is introduced. Several stages of development and implementation of the proposed system are represented. Examples of specific methods and techniques of inter-subject teaching of the Russian language (aimed at better perception of scientific concepts by students; subdivision of scientific and common concepts) and the work with language in the non-language subjects in actual textbooks are given. Examples of linguistic activity in student-books on non-linguistic subjects are given (math, geography, physics). The paper introduces a universal characteristic of students’ work with language material – linguistic activity, also its types are also listed. Results of the three stages of testing of the proposed training system are briefly described. Information about teachers’ attitude to given system is represented. Succession of work with assembly chart, which helps to fix attention on students’ activity and teacher’s work while getting ready for the lesson and in the process of reflecting on the linguistic work, is also described. Based on these results, conclusions about the advisability of using this system are formulated.
Key words inter-subject teaching of the Russian language, lingua-didactic support of school discipline, linguistic activity, stages of experimentation, technological card
Article information
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Full articleSeveral Stages of Development and Implementation of Inter-Subject Teaching of the Russian Language