Article name Educational Program of Oriental Studies in Russia at the Beginning of the XXth century: the A. M. Pozdneev’s Activity in the Field of Preparation of Mongolian Studies Scholars at the Practical Direction
Authors Polyanskaya O.N. Candidate of History, Associate Professor,
Bibliographic description Polyanskaya O. N. Educational Program of Oriental Studies in Russia at the Beginning of the XXth century: the A. M. Pozdneev’s Activity in the Field of Preparation of Mongolian Studies Scholars at the Practical Direction // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. 2016. Vol. 11, No. 6. PP. 143–148. (Series Vocational Education, Theory and Methods of Teaching). DOI: 10.21209/2308-8796-2016-11-6-143-148.
UDK 001 (091)(517.3)
DOI 10.21209/2308-8796-2016-11-6-143-148
Article type
Annotation The following article makes first attempt to describe scientific activity of the outstanding scientist in the field of Mongolian studies, professor of St. Petersburg University Alexei Matveyevich Pozdneev (1851–1920), who was also the state and public figure of the late XIXth – early XXth century. The author tries to picture his doings in terms of his role in the organization of educational program in the field of oriental studies in Russia, and first of all its practical direction. A. M. Pozdneev was the founder of such important practical centers of oriental studies as the Oriental Institute in Vladivostok and Practical Oriental Academy in St. Petersburg. Studying professor’s contribution to the organization of education in the field of oriental studies in Russia, the author of this publication pays her attention to the practical and scientific division of Mongolian studies, which is still controversial in the literature of subject, and comes to the conclusion, based on A. M. Pozdneev’ opinion that there are two completely different directions in the preparation of the eastern profile specialists. The article was written using a rich source base. Most of the source materials are introduced into scientific circulation for the first time. Most important of them are Pozdneev’s manuscripts devoted to the analysis and prospects of education in the field of Mongolian studies at the beginning of the XXth century, based of which the following publication tries to give an idea of the state of the Mongolian studies in Russia in this period. The article shows the continuity of generations of researchers not only from the standpoint of scientific research but also in scholarship. Despite the fact that A. M. Pozdneev introduced a lot of innovations in training scientists in the practical field of Mongolian studies, the fundamental components of Oriental studies education, introduced by scientific “pioneers” of Mongolian studies in Russia such as O. M. Kovalevsky and A. V. Popov, were brought by him in the educational process of the Oriental Institute and Academy of Eastern practice, which proves the existence of an integral Russian school in the field of Mongolian studies.
Key words mongolian studies in Russia, A. M. Pozdneev, Oriental Institute (Vladivostok), Practical Oriental Academy and Society of Oriental Studies in St. Petersburg
Article information
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Full articleEducational Program of Oriental Studies in Russia at the Beginning of the XXth century: the A. M. Pozdneev’s Activity in the Field of Preparation of Mongolian Studies Scholars at the Practical Direction