Article name Study on Phenology and Seed Production of Nelumbo komarovii Grossh. in the Population of the Species near Khabarovsk (Far East, Russia)
Authors Dulin A.F. Candidate of Science (Biology), associate professor,
Tsyrenova D.Y. Doctor of Science (Biology), associate professor,
Bibliographic description Dulin A. F., Tsyrenova D. Yu. Study on Phenology and Seed Production of Nelumbo komarovii Grossh. in the Population of the Species near Khabarovsk (Far East, Russia) // Scholarly Notes of Transbaikal State University. Series Biological sciences. 2017. Vol. 12, No. 1. PP. 13–19.
Section Ecology
UDK 581.9 (571.6)
Article type
Annotation In this article there were represented the results of investigation of phenology and seed production of the rare relict species Nelumbo komarovii Grossh. (Nelumbonaceae) in the locale population of this rare species near the city of Khabarovsk. The beginning and time of the vegetative and generative phases and rest approaching were estimated: the vegetation until blossom (the second June decade), the budding (the first July decade), the blossom (the second July decade), the budding (the first July decade), the fruit growing (from the third July decade till the first October decade), the end of vegetation (the third September decade) and rest (the first October decade). The inspected species population was characterized as considerable ontogeny heterogeneous. In this case there are individuals in different development phases: from the starting vegetative phase until the blossom and fruit growing. The generated phases are the longest ontogenesis phases – the full blossom and fruit growing. There were revealed that the air temperature in day time and the temperature near the surface of water above +20 °C is important for the beginning of blossom. The vegetation of this species can continue up to cold weather in the first days of October. The plants die away before the full fruit growing. Forced dormancy is the relict species characteristic. It reflects the biological rhythm discrepancy of its existence in present time. The low productive seeds of this population (about 26 %) were revealed. The main reasons of this low production are considered to be vulnerable duration and non-completion of ontogenesis generate phase. The seed propagation of N. komarovii in the nature is limited not only by natural biological factors but also by phytophages (Ondatra). Morphometric characteristics of vegetative sphere shows that N. komarovii population is estimated as successful near Khabarovsk. Effective breeding of the population is due to vegetative reproduction.
Key words Nelumbo komarovii, Nelumbonaceae, phenology, seed production, Khabarovsk,Russian Far East
Article information
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Full articleStudy on Phenology and Seed Production of Nelumbo komarovii Grossh. in the Population of the Species near Khabarovsk (Far East, Russia)